Children are speaking out. MSPs must listen. Email them today.

Mouldy, rat-infested, urine-drenched: this is the reality described by children and families living in Scotland’s unsuitable temporary homeless accommodation, as revealed in Shelter Scotland’s groundbreaking new research

For the first time ever, children themselves – from pre-schoolers to teenagers – are speaking out. They describe fear, trauma, and the appalling conditions they endure in places meant to keep them safe. Their stories are heartbreaking. We must make sure the people in power hear their words – and act now. 

Your MSPs need to read these children’s stories of life trapped in temporary accommodation. By writing to your MSPs, you can demand a response to our new research report – it takes just 30 seconds, and we’ve got a draft email you can use through this form.   

Right now, a record 10,360 children are trapped in temporary accommodation – more than ever before. Despite Scottish Government promises to fix this, the numbers have risen every year since the last election. 

In their own words, children and parents have described: 

  • being moved far away from school and friends 
  • having to sleep on the floor 
  • urine-soaked carpets and mouldy beds 
  • noisy, unsafe environments that keep them awake all night 
  • repeated hospital visits because their housing is making them sick 

This is unacceptable. No family in Scotland should have to live like this. We refuse to stand by as a generation of children are harmed by housing that’s meant to keep them safe. Send your MSPs this shocking new report today.